Cảm biến CO2 gắn ống gió

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Description Johnson Controls offers a complete line of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) transmitters for measuring and transmitting CO2 levels, ranging from 0 to 2,000 parts per million (ppm), within Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) applications. These compact, duct mounted devices offer...


Johnson Controls offers a complete line of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) transmitters for measuring and transmitting CO2 levels, ranging from 0 to 2,000 parts per million (ppm), within Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) applications. These compact, duct mounted devices offer a choice of 0 to 10 V or 0 to 20 mA output signals and feature an optional relay output with or without a digital display. Johnson Controls® CO2

transmitters are easy to install and to operate.

The silicon-based CARBOCAP® sensor delivers high accuracy and long-term measurement stability (±100 ppm) over a five-year period without calibration. The diffusion-aspirated, single-beam, dual-wavelength sensor structure is remarkably simple. It consists of an infrared (IR) source, a sample cell, an IR detector, and a tunable interference filter that enables measurements at two wavelengths. Reference measurements made using a tunable interference filter eliminate the typical weakness of dual-beam sensors and permits shifting the optical pass band electronically. This innovative design provides precise reference readings that eliminate the typically broad deviation expected from a traditional CO2 sensor.

Refer to the CD-Pxx-00-1 Series Duct Mount CO2 Transmitter Product Bulletin (LIT216525) for important product application information.


•DCV strategies offer a potential for 10 to 70% energy savings

•CARBOCAP single-beam, dual-wavelength design provides superior performance compared to other technologies

•CARBOCAP silicon, micro-machined construction provides reliable CO2

measurement in duct environments

•calibration reliability offers five years of reliable calibration

•adjustable duct probe depth permits optimal placement of sensing tip in a duct

•optional features offer relay output for fan control


The new CO2 transmitters are easy to install, offer a full 3-year warranty, and require no maintenance or field calibration. They are designed to work:

•in standalone mode

•in support of Demand Control Ventilation (DCV)

•with fresh air and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) systems

•as part of any integrated Building Automation System (BAS)

•with rooftop air handling Economizer controls systems

•connected to Metasys® system or the AD-DME series

Cảm biến CO2 gắn ống gió

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