Tổng tiền thanh toán:
Basic Building-block Controllers That Mount Directly to Panels for Easier Maintenance
• Easy maintenance with building-block Relay Units.
• Easy identification of operating status with LED operation indicator.
• Lineup includes models for tropical regions and for high temperatures. Achieve stable detection even in high-temperature environments.
Model Number Structure
1.Control Application
G:Automatic water supply and drainage
G1:Automatic water supply with idling prevention or water
shortage alarm
G2:Automatic water supply and drainage with abnormal
water increase alarm
G3:Automatic water supply and drainage with full tank and
water shortage alarm
G4:Automatic water supply with water level indicator for
water supply tank and water receiving tank and prevention of idling due to water shortage
I:Liquid level indication and alarm (no two-wire models)
2. Type
Blank: General-purpose
L 2KM: Long-distance (for 2 km) L 4KM: Long-distance (for 4 km) H: